An estimated 2 lakh Robotic Process Automation-reated jobs will be created in in India by 2021 as companies begin to embrace automation.

Bobby Patrick, Chief Marketing Officer, UiPath, a company that provides RPA technologies for companies told BusinessLine that the country has the opportunity to lead in this technology as a large number of its workforce are reskilling themselves.

Technologies such as RPA has been gaining traction as a way of automating repetitive, tedious tasks. Financial institutions, retailers, BPOs and others have started using RPA.

RPA talent “We see a strong pool of RPA talent emerging from India as they have a combination of domain knowledge and fusing technology with it,” said Patrick.

Daniel Dines, CEO and Co-Founder of UiPath, said at the #UiPathForward, the RPA India summit, that RPA can help raise income levels. “Currently only 1 per cent of India earns above $20,000 a year. RPA is right now creating jobs that will push a higher percentage of the population into this segment,” he said. Industry watchers say RPA provides new pathways for job opportunities. “Automation will open up significant opportunities in the IT sector,” said Samir Sinha, Founder CEO of Robonomics, an Australian start-up.

It could range from process engineers and robot managers to implementation and infrastructure staff and complex management positions, according to UiPath India’s Chief Customer Success Officer Raghu Subramanian.

These developments are coming in the backdrop of recent layoffs across various sectors, as technologies are increasingly replacing humans in some job areas.

Industry optimism But, it is not all doom and gloom. In a recent study by Everest Group, 80 per cent of companies surveyed rated RPA to meet expectations and even exceed them. RPA addresses many areas.

Similarly, a recent Zinnov report said that 40 per cent of the enterprises have already made investments in AI, RPA, IoT, and 20 per cent of the enterprises surveyed are well under way in their digital transformation journey.