An alliance of companies led by Rolls-Royce is to work to develop new ways to support businesses and governments as they recover from the economic impact of Covid-19.

Tech majors IBM, Google Cloud, the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics, the Data City, and ODI Leeds have pledged to join Emer2gent, a new alliance of data analytic experts established by Rolls-Royce, to come up with models to help get people and businesses back to work by identifying lead indicators of economic recovery cycles.

The aim is to jumpstart an economy (any economy) since most anticipate a major downturn. The International Monetary Fund’s 2020 World Economic Outlook reported the global economy is set to contract by 3 per cent as a result of the pandemic, a steeper decline than the 2008 financial crises.

Identifying lead indicators of recovery

Emer2gent will combine traditional economic, business, travel and retail data sets with behaviour and sentiment data to provide new insights into, and applications to support global recovery.

The Emer2gent alliance will track the recovery of around 800,000 brands amid the Coronavirus crisis.

R2 Data Labs is the Rolls-Royce data innovation catalyst which started the alliance. "The India team of R2 Data Labs is exploring potential partners to the alliance as well as working closely with global teams at Rolls-Royce to help accelerate business recovery post Covid-19," said a Rolls-Royce spokesperson.

"With significant data driven understanding of dynamic global networks and pivotal dependencies combined with knowledge of the Indian spectrum, the team is confident of delivering hyper local insights which may lead to informed decisions, making the recovery more resilient," the spokesperson added.

Given that the initial wave of members bring all the key elements of open innovation - data publication, licensing, privacy, security; data analytics capability and collaborative infrastructure - members of Emer2gent will focus on data publication, data analytics, and collaborative infrastructure.

The models they develop will identify lead indicators of economic recovery cycles. Organisations and governments will be able to use the alliance’s insights to make decisions, such as investments or policies, that could shorten or limit the recessionary impacts from the pandemic.

New insights

In a statement, Caroline Gorski, Global Director, R2Data Labs, said, "We want the global economy to get better as soon as possible so people can get back to work. Our data innovation community can help do this and is at its best when it comes together for the common good."

R2Data Labs helps deliver untapped value from data, acting as a development hub for new services. The auto major apples advanced data analytics, industrial Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to accelerate the development of new data insights, services and apps.

Gorski went on to say since people, businesses and governments have changed the way they spend, move, communicate and travel because of Covid-19, Emer2gent's insight, along with other data, "could provide the basis for identifying what new insights and trends may emerge that signify the world’s adjustment to a 'new normal' after the pandemic."

To kickstart the effort, Emer2gent has set up a website for potential members to register their interest. While Google Cloud is to provide Google Cloud Public Datasets and Google Cloud BigQuery, IBM plans to make available its Data Science Elite consultancy and services that include IBM Cloud Pak for Data.

Andrew Brown, General Manager, IBM Cloud and Cognitive Software Europe said in a statement, "It is hoped IBM’s contribution will help accomplish the identification of proven use cases, to assist where recovery indicators emerge for countries, governments, state agencies and supporting companies to best respond to the next phase of the improvement in the pandemic."

The Leeds Institute is to offer secure data infrastructure, scientific expertise and access to global academic research networks.

Professor Mark Birkin, Leeds Institute for Data Analytics, University of Leeds, pointed out the Covid crisis has demonstrated the need for governments to seek real world insights into mobility, behaviour and human contact networks.

Results of the project will be posted at Emer2gent’s website and GitHub.