Samsung Electronics plans to include Internet-enabled sensors across its devices which can help the company get usage pattern data.

According to Rishi Suri, Director, Consumer Electronics, Samsung India, Internet of Things (IoT), the sensors will be an integral part of every device — from TVs to washing machines. He pointed out to the newly launched washing machine, which comes with a combination of washer-dryer machine and with Internet-enabled capabilities that can be controlled through smartphones.

Called FlexWash, the machine combines two washers and a dryer in a single system, can handle multiple loads and is priced at ₹1,45,000, company executives said.

Further, the machine comes with a 23-kg capacity and is equipped with IoT technologies. Apart from washing machines, Samsung Electronics makes TVs, smartphones, wearable devices and other digital appliances.

This is a part of Samsung’s larger vision of moving beyond products but to have a technology backbone that can give them data-powered insights into all their products.

“All consumer electronics makers are beginning to realise the wealth of information that they can get, especially from their installed base, through which they can look at diversified revenue options rather than sell it once and hope for the user to come back later,” said Sanchit Vir Gogia, Founder, Greyhound Research.

Samsung India has taken this approach to its other products — starting off with high-end television sets. A couple of months back, Rajeev Bhutani, Vice-President, Consumer Electronics Business, Samsung India, had told BusinessLine that the company is looking at taking the IoT through initiatives such as its TV remote, which supports a range of devices and offers voice control capabilities across more smart TV features.

Part of this push is also due to the aspiring demands of consumers. Manish Sharma, President and CEO, Panasonic India and South Asia explains that consumers are seeking a smartphone-like experience across almost every other household product that they use.

“We get asked questions on why can't machines detect the hardness of water used in washing machine in parts of India as it affects the kind of clothes that are put to wash,” he adds.