Samsung has requested a US court to remove the stay on selling the Galaxy Nexus.

On June 29, 2012, United States District Judge, Ms Lucy H. Koh, banned the sales of Galaxy Nexus in the US and said in a ruling: “Although Samsung has a right to compete, it does not have a right to compete with infringing products.’’

The case relates to patent number 8,086,604, which was filed by Apple on December 1, 2004 and pertains to search. The patent application says that the patent is for a “universal interface for retrieval of information in a computer system’’.

Apart from the US, Samsung and Apple are fighting in court rooms in Seoul, Tokyo, Germany, Paris, and other parts of the world.

The fight between the two companies is so intense that Judge Ms Koh has put a limit of 125 exhibits on each side for a trial that starts on July 30. In order to force both companies to focus only on the key points, Judge Ms Koh has also stipulated that each side will only get 25 hours of arguments.