The special court trying the multi-billion rupees Satyam Computer Services fraud will pronounce its judgment on April 9.

Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate BVLN Chakravarthi said the court needed some more to wade through voluminous evidence and typing the judgment.

Time needed “Judgment is not ready as typing and printing work not completed. Hence for judgment, the case is adjourned to April 9. All the accused are directed to appear before the court that day without fail,” he said.

He asked the accused to come with their lawyers.

The main accused B Ramalinga Raju (Satyam former Chairman), his brother Rama Raju (former managing director) and all the other accused were present on Monday.

The six-year-old case shook the corporate world and IT services industry as Ramalinga Raju fudged the numbers of the firm to the tune of about ₹7,136 crore. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had alleged that the size of the fraud was much more and conducted a thorough probe into the scam, going through thousands of documents and computer data. It filed cases under the IPC Sections 120-B, 406, 409, 419, 420, 467, 468, 471, 477-A and 201.

The Centre had ordered a mulch-disciplinary CBI inquiry into the scam in January 2009, a few days after Raju had confessed to the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) that he had manipulated the numbers. He argued that he fudged the numbers in order to be in the top league of the IT firms.

He had chosen to confess to the crime after a failed bid to ‘acquire’ the two Mayatas companies, in which his kin held majority shares. The institutional investors and analysts sharply criticized the move, questioning his wisdom to diversify into a totally unrelated field.