After the Kolaveri rage, it is now the turn of the Union Telecom Minister, Mr Kapil Sibal, and the 2G scam to trend on Twitter.

Offering a witty take on the situation, Twikarth tweeted “Rather than NDA, why doesn't Kapil Sibal simply blame Graham Bell for this 2G Telco scam?” Another netizen Ashoke Pandit tweets: “Kapil Sibal should go for vipasna for some time. It will do good for the country.” Mr Sibal's comment welcoming the Supreme Court judgment and blaming the NDA government for the 2G scam invited the collective ire of the social media.

Disgruntled tweets began to pour in soon after the verdict cancelling 122 licences of involved telecom operators.

Giving a clean chit to the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, and the Finance Minister, Mr Pranab Mukherjee, Mr Sibal had blamed the then telecom minister Mr A. Raja for irregularities with allocation of licences.

This is the second time that Mr Sibal has angered netizens. The first being when he mooted the censorship of the internet, asking Google and Facebook to submit their content for screening against “objectionable” content in December 2011.

In fact, alluding to this controversy, Amreekandesi tweeted, “The only reason I'm not making any more Sibal jokes is he'll get pi***d at me & ban the entire internet. Say thanks.”

