Finally it is a ‘no’ for Scottish independence.

However, from August 5 (the first televised debate on the referendum for independence of Scotland) till September 18, it was the ‘yes’ that ruled the referendum on Twitter.

In a blog post on September 18 on the UK blog of Twitter, Joanna Geary, Head of News, Twitter UK, said that since the first televised debate on August 5, there have been more than seven million Tweets about the referendum.

The popular hash tag for referendum on Scotish independence was #IndyRef with 3.75 million tweets. This was followed by #VoteYes at 1.1 million, #Scotland 439,000, #ScotDecides at 272,000 and #BetterTogether at 224,000.

The blog post said that there have been 1.55 million tweets mentioning hashtags related to the ‘Yes’ campaign since August 5 as against 5,00,000 Tweets related to the ‘No’ campaign hashtags.

In another blog post on Friday, she said that from 7 am on Thursday (when the polls started) till 7 am of Friday morning, Twitter users sent 2,603,497 Tweets.

When the result was finally confirmed at 6.11 am on Friday morning Twitter generated a peak of 5,212 Tweets per minute (TPM). She said that it was the highest peak in TPM recorded during the referendum process as a whole. Earlier peaks were seen during the referendum debates on August 5 with 2,019 TPM and August 25 with 2,213 TPM.