Cyber security consultant and ethical hacker, Ankit Fadia, today launched his 16th book, which delivers 50 ways to improve one’s professional life through simple use of Internet technologies.

With all his earlier 15 publications dealing with concerns surrounding cyber security, this offering, published by Penguin, deals with the positive aspects of Internet technologies and how these can be used to solve simple problems in life.

The book, titled ‘Social: 50 ways to Improve Your Professional Life’, puts together a myriad app that will help one to get his resume noticed more often, improve one’s professional interactions, save on time by de-cluttering the inbox and how to organise a public relation campaign effectively.

The timing of the book launch coincides with the decision of the Government to create 100 smart cities across India and provide Internet connectivity to remote rural areas.

Ankit said he will start work on his third book, which will also be published by Penguin, in the next two months. “This time it will be a fiction. I intend to release it next year,” he said.