Elon Musk shared a series of rules to be followed on Twitter. He said, “Twitter rules will evolve over time, but they are currently the following,” and tweeted out a Twitter blog. 

This comes after Musk announced the launch of Twitter’s blue tick subscription at $7.99 per month.

Twitter has divided the guidelines into five sections: Safety, Privacy, Authenticity, Enforcement and Appeals, and Third-party advertising in video content. 

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The rules seem to be similar other than one addition under the ‘misleading and deceptive identities’ head. “You may not impersonate individuals, groups, or organisations to mislead, confuse, or deceive others, nor use a fake identity in a manner that disrupts the experience of others on Twitter,” the company said. 

Musk said earlier that Twitter users engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying it as a “parody” account will be permanently suspended.

“Now that we are rolling out widespread verification, there will be no warning,” he added.  

The rules cautioned against spreading fake information on the platform. Musk had earlier said in a tweet about Twitter’s mission to become the most accurate source of information.

According to Twitter guidelines, users may not deceptively share synthetic or manipulated media that are likely to cause harm. “In addition, we may label Tweets containing synthetic and manipulated media to help people understand their authenticity and to provide additional context,” it said.

Also read: Elon’s Twitter: Deadlines, work pressure, layoffs: the fear is real