Facebook now has its own TikTok account and already has around 15.1K followers. Reportedly, Facebook has not shared any public videos on its account. 

Matt Navarra, a social media consultant, spotted Facebook’s entrance to TikTok and tweeted recently.

The verified account has a blue checkmark and carries a description in its bio saying, “We believe people can do more together, than alone.”

A spokesperson of Facebook confirmed the presence on TikTok and said to AdWeek, “Brands leverage a variety of channels, including some of our social media platforms, to reach and engage with the people using their products and services every day. Our intent with establishing a brand presence and cultivating community on platforms like TikTok or others is no different.”

In Meta’s Q4 2021 earnings call, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, “TikTok is so big as a competitor already and continues to grow at quite a faster rate off of a very large base.”