Hyundai was trending all over Twitter on Monday due to its Pakistani Twitter handle tweeting about Kashmiri Solidarity Day on February 5. 

This tweet went viral on Twitter and created a backlash for the company. Soon, later the Hyundai India Twitter account had released a clarification statement about how it had been in the Indian markets for 25 years and stood firmly for its strong ethos of respecting nationalism. 

This again created a huge controversy about how the South Korean carmaker didn’t properly apologise for the tweet. 

Hyundai Motor on Tuesday tweeted a statement regretting an offense caused to Indian people. “As a business policy, Hyundai motor company does not comment on political or religious issues in any specific region. Therefore, it is clearly against Hyundai’s motor policy that independently-owned distributor in Pakistan made unauthorised Kashmir related social media posts from their own accounts,” the statement issued by Hyundai Motor company said. 

The statement also added that their subsidiary Hyundai Motor India is not associated with the distributor in Pakistan, and the company strongly rejects the distributor’s unauthorised non-business-related social media activity. 

“Hyundai Motor Company has been investing in India for many decades and remains strongly committed to Indian customers. We deeply regret any offense caused to the people of India by this unofficial social media activity”, the statement added. 

According to some Indian Twitter users, this explanation is not enough and requires a proper apology from the carmaker company after a waffling statement issued by the company on Monday. An apology is demanded, after the tweet that’s been tweeted by the Hyundai Pakistani Twitter handle, by some Indian Twitter users from the company.