Twitter has been chaotic ever since Elon Musk took over the app for $44 billion and face immense backlash from employees and users.

Several users have shifted to Twitter’s alternative Mastadon, and others are making beeline to cut down their presence on the social platform by unfollowing others. ‘Prune your follows’ tool is there to cut down on the heavy hours spent on removing trim follow list.

Prune your follows for Twitter

Prune your follows for Twitter | Photo Credit: -

‘Prune your follows’ app shows in the following categories: Overpopular (most followed), Underpopular (least followed), Overactive (accounts that tweet a lot) and Unactive (accounts that tweet only a few times a year). Users can quickly unfollow people they do not wish to keep in the follow list. The app provides a side menu where users can view all the accounts they have unfollowed.

Prune your follows homepage.

Prune your follows homepage. | Photo Credit: -

Although the ‘Prune your follows’ is a standalone platform, but Twitter enforces its own API limitations. The app can facilitate 50 unfollows per 15 minutes, and 500 unfollows in 24 hours gap. Once the app hits the limit, users can still click on the individual profile and unfollow them on Twitter.