To achieve equality in society, women need to do three things, said Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg. “We need to address stereotypes, ensure fair treatment and achieve more balance in our homes.”

The author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead while addressing a session for FICCI Ladies Organisation, said, “We don’t have enough female leaders. Eleven per cent of India’s top CEOs are women. In the US, it is 4 per cent.”

Address stereotypes In order to achieve the country’s economic potential, because that depends on using the full talent of the population, and human potential, women need to address stereotypes that hold them back.

“Stereotypes are enormously self-enforcing. We expect people to act a certain way and when they don’t we dislike them. Men who are aggressive at work are called good leaders, while women are called bossy. This needs to change.” She told the audience, “Next time you see a girl on the playground and someone calls her bossy, go up to them and tell them that she has executive leadership skills.”

Ensure fair treatment Sandberg, who has served as chief of staff for the US Treasury Department under President Bill Clinton, said the society need to ensure equal and fair treatment for women. “India’s Prime Minister and President very recently spoke about women safety in their speeches. I hope every voter in this country holds them to it,” she added.

Achieve more balance Third, there needs to be more balance in homes. “In today’s world, women too have to work full time to make ends meet.

“They, thus, have two jobs while men have one. In India, women are doing ten times more work than men in their homes.”

She gave a tip to men in the audience: “If you want to be nice to your wife, don’t buy flowers, do laundry.”