Snapchat is making it easier to share YouTube videos on the platform with automated YouTube stickers. Users across iOS and Android devices can now share YouTube videos with their friends straight through the Snapchat Camera.

“More than 2 billion logged-in users visit YouTube every month to tune into videos that help them find new music, learn different skills, catch up on news, and discover more about the world around them,” Snapchat said in an official release. “With this new integration, we’re making it easier than ever for these viewers to send their favorite clips and videos right where they are already talking with their friends on Snapchat,” it said.

This is the first time that YouTube links can be shared visually to Snapchat Stories and one-on-one Snaps, while still accessing the camera and full suite of Snapchat Creative Tools. Snapchat’s new tappable YouTube stickers will lead users directly to the video within the YouTube app or in their preferred mobile browser. 

How it works
  • To share a YouTube video on Snapchat, users can go to the YouTube app and select a video to watch.
  • They can then tap “Share,” and then tap the “Snapchat” icon to automatically jump to the Snapchat Camera.
  • From there, users will need to create an original Snap with the automated YouTube sticker, and layer on using the platform’s creative tools.

“All friends need to do is tap the YouTube Sticker to view the video in their YouTube app or default mobile browser,” the company explained.