Bollywood actors such as Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan lost the blue tick on their official accounts as Twitter revoked legacy verified checkmarks on Friday. Many other celebs including Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone and Alia Bhatt, too, lost their verified status on the social media platform, raising concerns about the proliferation of parody accounts and impersonation. Even cricketers Virat Kohli and Sachin Tendulkar lost their verified status on Twitter.

But leading CEOs such as Anand Mahindra and Harsh Goenka retained the blue tick as they decided to subscribe for Twitter blue.

The official handle of Twitter Verified stated on Thursday night, “Tomorrow, 4/20, we are removing legacy verified checkmarks. To remain verified on Twitter, individuals can sign up for Twitter Blue. Organisations can sign up for Verified Organisations,”

Also read: Musk strips New York Times of blue check mark after paper refuses to pay

#BlueTick and #ElonMusk was trending on Friday morning as Twitterverse gets used to this transition to subscription-based verification process. Some bid adieu to their blue ticks, while others complained about the new process.

Former Chief Economist Kausik Basu tweeted, “ “It’s embarrassing to have a blue tick now because it’s a signal you paid for it.”

Also read: Twitter blue tick: Here’s how to retain verified checkmark

Author Chetan Bhagat stated on the platform, “Verified now simply means can afford to pay for twitter.”