Twitter has been seeing a string of changes in recent weeks. Amid the removal of the legacy blue checkmark, resulting in many accounts losing their verified status, Twitter CEO Elon Musk has hinted at the possibility of Fleets making a comeback.

Fleets was launched globally in 2020. These are tweets that disappear after 24 hours, similar to the stories feature that is popular on Snapchat and Instagram, and the status feature on WhatsApp. However, Fleets was discontinued in August 2021.

Also read: Twitter restores verified status of high-profile accounts 

In a reply to a Twitter user terming the return of Vine, a discontinued short-form video platform, and Twitter’s Periscope as inevitable, Musk replied to a user asking about the return of Fleets. “But not in the way it was done last time,” he tweeted.

Twitter search restricted

In another update, Twitter users have noticed that the microblogging site has restricted its search to users who are logged in. It was earlier possible for those without a Twitter account to search for tweets and trending topics.

Also read: Twitter requires advertisers to have verified checkmark: Report

A report by 9to5Mac noted that if users open the Twitter website in a web browser while logged out, they can see some suggested tweets (including some from Elon Musk), but there’s no longer an option to use the search. Users will also need to log in if they wish to open a link with Twitter search results that is sent to them.

Recently, Twitter also began restricting access to Substack links by making the posts impossible to reply to, like, or retweet.