Twitter is testing a new ‘liked by author’ label that appears when the author likes a reply on the tweet thread, a feature similar to TikTok’s ‘liked by creator’ badge. TechCrunch reportedly spotted the label in the Twitter Android app.

According to TechCrunch, once the author of a tweet likes a reply, it will be marked with a badge and will be visible to anyone viewing the tweet.

Screenshot of ‘Liked by Author’ label on Twitter

Screenshot of ‘Liked by Author’ label on Twitter

There is no clear information if the label is being tested globally, but many users in several countries have spotted the label. It is unclear if the label will officially roll out to all users as it is still in the testing phase. Reportedly, the feature may be useful when the author wants to highlight a few responses among numerous replies to a tweet thread.

The label could also distract users with already cluttered tweets, TechCrunch said in its report. The report noted a spokesperson confirmed that Twitter has been testing different labels, but the microblogging site did not have much to reveal on ‘liked by author’ label.