Twitter on Tuesday began revamping profile pages to let users display more of their online personalities, giving the popular service a Facebook-like feel.

“The new web profile lets you use a larger profile photo, customise your header, show off your best Tweets and more,” Twitter designer David Bellona said in a blog post.

Twitter showed off the redesign at the accounts of high-profile accounts such as that of US First Lady Michelle Obama at @flotus and music stars @JohnLegend and @Weezer.

On redesigned Twitter pages, messages that prompt people to respond or “re-tweet” appear in larger type to reveal which comments resonated with followers.

A favourite ‘tweet” can be pinned atop pages to make it easy for “followers to see what you’re all about,” according to Bellona.

Filters are being added to allow more selective views of timelines on pages.

San Francisco—based Twitter said the changes are “coming soon to everyone.”

Users can now tag friends in photos

Twitter users can now tag their friends in pictures. Long available in other social networks, the new service is part of an update of the Twitter app for iOS and Android that is now available.

Users can tag up to 10 friends in a picture and still have 140 characters to write a tweet, says the company.

Anyone who doesn’t want to be tagged can remove the label later or even block tags entirely. The update also allows users to include up to four pictures with a tweet. Previously, the limit had been one photo.

As of the end of last year, one in every six people online in the United States used Twitter and approximately a quarter of those on the Internet in Britain tuned into the service, according to industry-tracker eMarketer.