Elon Musk-backed SpaceX’s India subsidiary is recruiting for two open positions to join its India team: a director of the rural transformation India, as well as an executive assistant.

Sanjay Bhargava, Starlink Country Director, SpaceX said announcing the openings, “I am pleased to announce that we are now officially looking for two rockstars to join the Indian Subsidiary….Another small step towards catalysing and accelerating transformation starting with Rural India. As and when there are other open positions they will appear on the jobs board. I do not expect any more till we are commercially licensed.”

Broadband services

Starlink, which officially registered its India unit on November 1, has been ramping up its operations in anticipation of offering broadband services across 200,000 terminals by December 2022.

Also read: Elon Musk’s Starlink to begin trials for satellite broadband services in India

Starlink has applied for commercial licenses and Bhargava has expansion plans with a particularly rural focus. The company aims to have 200,000 Starlink devices in India by December 2022, 80 per cent of which will be in rural districts, it said in the presentation.

Starlink has already received over 5,000 pre-orders for its devices in India. The company will soon begin trials to offer, satellite broadband communication in India and will soon apply for permission to conduct trials for its satellite-based broadband services in India.