The Union Law Minister, Mr Salman Kurshid, has denied that the Government is attempting to gag social media.

“The State power is not in a conflict situation with social media. There is very limited option to restrict social media,” he said.

In response to a Business Line query at a media interaction here on Saturday, Mr Khurshid said: “Social media is a reality. There is no denying it. The relationship between the nation and social media is also evolving”. However, he hastened to add that the Government has to be mindful of the greater public interest and of certain vulnerable sections of society.

The Minister felt the current cyber law provides ample power to restrict social media abuse. The Government is not considering tweaking the law either. “At least the administrative ministry — HRD Ministry — has not asked for any fresh legislative provision specifically to handle social media,” Mr Khurshid asserted.

At the 150th year celebration of the Calcutta High Court, Mr Khurshid announced that the Government would retain a few thousand young advocates to provide legal aid to the poor and marginalised seeking justice under the National Legal Services Authority.

The West Bengal Chief Minister, Ms Mamata Banerjee, said her Government is planning to set up 19 human rights courts, 6 CBI courts and a “fast-track” court in the State.
