There is a surge in cloud usage in India where half of the respondents in the country said they have already adopted cloud solutions or approaches. This is a 25 per cent growth over the last year, according to a survey by virtualisation and cloud infrastructure company VMware.

The study, ‘VMware Cloud Index’, was conducted by Forrester Consulting and ITR (in Japan) across 11 countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

 An additional 30 per cent of respondents declared that they are planning to deploy cloud solutions within the next 18 months.

However, 40 per cent of the respondents said there is internal resistance to change that is hindering the adoption of cloud, suggesting that faster cloud adoption is possible for Indian organisations if these hindrances can be overcome.

“With concerns around data privacy, integration and security limiting the adoption of cloud in India, we continue to work towards enabling organisations with knowledge and resources to raise adoption rates,” said T. Srinivasan, Managing Director, VMware India and SAARC.

The study also reveals that 54 per cent of senior IT professionals surveyed in India consider cloud computing to be a top business priority. There has also been an improvement in the understanding of cloud computing with 72 per cent of the respondents claiming a good understanding, compared to 59 per cent last year.

In India, while 80 per cent of respondents believe that cloud computing will help in reducing IT costs, 82 per cent believe that cloud computing will help in optimising existing IT management and automation capabilities.

Data privacy, legacy or “loss of control” (64 per cent), integration with existing on-premise systems (62 per cent) and security (60 per cent) are the top barriers to cloud adoption in India.

“As optimism in the economy rises, businesses in India can once again focus on growth and expansion. This comes at a time when cloud computing is reaching a significant level of maturity and acceptance in India,” added Srinivasan.