Are you the founder of a start-up that has failed? Or, are you planning to wind up your start-up as it is not doing very well? Well, you could just land a good job with a growth stage start-up or a corporate.

On an average about 90 per cent of all the start-ups in an ecosystem die for want of mentorship, timely working capital, severe competition and shortage of manpower, among other reasons. For the founders of failed start-ups, it is difficult to find jobs to survive.

However, there are opportunities opening up for ex-entrepreneurs. Tech incubator T-Hub is conducting a recruitment drive for former entrepreneurs, who wish to return to the workforce. Those who are interested in taking up jobs in start-ups, can submit their applications from August 10 to August 25.

After vetting the applications, T-Hub will conduct interviews with the short-listed candidates on September 1. “Growth-stage start-ups of T-Hub’s Lab32 programme (the second cohort of start-ups at the incubator) and corporates will interview the former entrepreneurs to offer them jobs if selected,” Jay Krishnan, Chief Executive Officer of T-Hub, said.

He felt that a failed entrepreneur is a much more valuable resource than a regular job-seeker. “One of the charms of being a start-up founder is falling and picking up the pieces again. In this context, India doesn't celebrate 'failed entrepreneurs' enough. As the leader of an organisation, I'd lean towards a risk-taking failed entrepreneur over a seasoned professional any day, given all other skills being the same,” he said.

“Providing job opportunities for former entrepreneurs will augur well not only for the candidates but will also help our corporate partners and start-ups to find people with a heady mix of technical and entrepreneurial skills,” he pointed out.

Jay Krishnan felt a failed entrepreneur is well aware of the concerns of a start-up and his or her seniority would make a difference to both start-ups and bigger companies.

“Those who have dabbled in entrepreneurship are aware of the concerns of a start-up, and the founders of Lab32 start-ups will give them the opportunity to use their experiences and start afresh. The corporates benefit from acquiring talent that brings knowledge, passion, and a self-driven attitude,” he said.