Tata Consultancy Services, the country’s largest software exporter, has made a net addition of 10,531 employees in the second quarter ended September 2012. Net addition is the difference between total employees hired and attrition.

The IT major made a gross addition of 18,654 employees in the June-September quarter, taking its total headcount to 2,54,076 personnel.

Ajoy Mukherjee, Global Head of Human Resources at TCS, said the company would be applying for more H1 visas (job visas) and would continue hiring both in the domestic and overseas markets. “We plan to hire 25,000 freshers from campuses and have already finished hiring half of this number,” said Mukherjee.

The company reported the lowest attrition rates in the last 10 quarters at 11.4 per cent (IT and BPO business). The software firm expects to add 50,000 employees in the current financial year. The utilisation rate, a metric used to measure the rate at which employees’ potential output rates are being met or used, was slightly higher than last quarter. The utilisation rate at the firm (excluding trainees) was at 81.6 per cent.

> Priya.s@thehindu.co.in

> Rajesh.kurup@thehindu.co.in