Telangana registered a record IT (information technology) and information technology-enabled services (ITeS) exports of ₹2.41 lakh crore in 2022-23, showing a growth of 31.4 per cent over the ₹1.83 lakh crore that it exported in 2021-22.

“We have achieved 1.27 lakh new jobs during the year, taking the total number of IT and IT-enabled services jobs in Hyderabad to 9.05 lakh. This over 40 per cent of the jobs that the country has created in the sector,” he said.

Telangana’s IT exports: Left, Rs in crore; Right, the number of aggregate jobs in the IT and IT-enabled services.

Telangana’s IT exports: Left, Rs in crore; Right, the number of aggregate jobs in the IT and IT-enabled services.

“We have added ₹57,706 crore in just one year despite the Covid-19 impact and the companies are saddling with issues like work-from-home and hybrid mode of work,” Telangana IT and Industries Minister K T Rama Rao, has said.

“In 2013-14, the year before the State was formed, Hyderabad registered IT exports of ₹57,258 crore. But we could multiply it more than four times in the last nine years,” he said.