The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) will hold SmashUp, its flagship event for early stage start-ups on January 17. The event is aimed at enabling the tiny teams to learn the art of building successful ventures.

The young entrepreneurs will get a chance to present their ideas to investors, mentors and others in the start-up ecosystem. The annual rendezvous organised by TiE has been quite popular with the start-ups.

One of the two firms that were picked by early stage investments by funds, VioletStreet, has just closed an angel round with Rs 2 crore. Typically, each of the winning ideas would get Rs 10 lakh at the end of the daylong event.

This year’s edition will also have a session Startup Heroes, an quick funding platform, in association with Hyderabad Angels. The start-ups from both technology and non-technology areas can take part in this event.

About 10 startups will get an opportunity to pitch their ideas to angel investors, who will invest up to Rs 10 lakh for in a tech idea and up to Rs 25 lakh in non-tech start-ups, Safir Adeni, President of the TiE’s Hyderabad Chapter and Managing Partner of Ineda Venture Group.