US-based software giant Microsoft on Tuesday discussed the prospects of further investments in the fields of education and e-governance with Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, Ms J Jayalalithaa while she promised support in establishing Microsoft Cloud Computing Centres.

“Mr Jean Philippe Courtois, President, Microsoft International, met the Chief Minister and discussed about further investments in the fields of education and e-governance,” an official release here said.

Mr Courtois, accompanied by Mr Pratik Mehta, Director, Microsoft India, among others, recalled an agreement signed between his firm and Jayalalithaa government in 2005 which was aimed at accelerating IT literacy among Government School teachers and students in the state.

“He informed that Microsoft Corporation is desirous of extending their core programmes such as Faculty empowerment for non-IT faculty at higher education level, Peer coaching programme for select Teachers, and Nurturing software start—ups and Establishment of Cloud Computing Centres,” the release said.

Ms Jayalalithaa ‘promised’ the delegation of all help in collaboration with Microsoft Corporation for the training programmes and in establishing Cloud Computing Centres, the release added.