Bharti Airtel has filed a fresh affidavit with the Telecom Disputes Settlement Appellate Tribunal seeking its intervention against Reliance Jio’s promotional offer wherein users can access voice and data services for free.

Airtel has argued that telecom regulator TRAI has failed to stop RJio from extending its free offer beyond December 31. “The ‘free services’ being offered by the said TSP are ex-facie predatory as they have been introduced solely to drive out competition rather than encourage it. The free voice services, given that they are being offered at below the IUC fixed by TRAI itself, are intended solely to drive out competition,” the affidavit filed by Airtel said.

“TRAI has failed to even deal with the aspect as to how can unlimited free voice services be offered against its own tariff orders and regulations, wherein it has been repeatedly stated that IUC of 14 paisa will serve as the floor,” it added.

Airtel said TRAI is perpetuating illegality by allowing the gaming of the IUC regime by the said TSP and by tacitly allowing the anti-competitive actions of RJio to continue.

The matter will come up for hearing on February 1.