In a bid to promote local manufacturing in the TV broadcasting sector, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has recommended that a production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme be launched for the linear set-top-box sector.

“Linear Set-up Boxes should be brought under the PLI scheme. A periodic review should be done of the availability of indigenous components required for broadcasting equipment, including chipsets. Local manufacturing of other relevant components of the television broadcasting sector should be promoted along the lines of the Semicon India Program,” the telecom and broadcast regulator stated on Friday.

The regulator has come out with its recommendations after issuing a consultation paper, “suo-motu,” in 2022. It said its objective was to “realistically assess” India’s true potential in equipment manufacturing.

It added that the availability of local components should be taken into consideration while setting the localisation levels under the PLI scheme. “Review of the investment outlay required for obtaining benefits under the PLI scheme should be done with a view to promoting manufacturing by MSME for some selected equipment as may be identified from time to time,” it stated. 

Local manufacturing

TRAI added that the scope of “local manufacturing” for different equipment categories in the television broadcasting sector should be defined. This should be done in terms of the percentage of locally sourced components or services.

TRAI has also suggested a review of free-trade agreements and other such agreements to assess their impact on local manufacturing in this sector. A technology development fund should be established to promote R&D and development of local products or technologies for the broadcasting sector,” it added.

To build a robust ecosystem for broadcast equipment manufacturing, the regulator said there was a need to focus on emerging technologies and convergence. It has suggested either the establishment of a centre of excellence for broadcast equipment or the upgrade of existing telecom centers of excellence to focus on broadcast equipment as well. “ Organisations such as the Telecom Export Promotion Council (TEPC) should be enabled to promote and facilitate exports of locally manufactured broadcast equipment. The Telecom Engineering Centre (TEC), Department of Telecommunications, should be mandated to test and standardise all the broadcast equipment,” it added.