Microblogging site Twitter has placed the label of “manipulated media” on a doctored video of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, which was shared by US President Donald Trump. The video was originally tweeted by White House Social Media Director Dan Scavino on Sunday and retweeted by President Trump, as per media reports.

This is the first time Twitter used its new policy of labeling misleading content as “manipulated media.”

Last week Twitter revealed the label to counter synthetic videos like deep fakes, The Week reported.

The video which was labeled as manipulated shows Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden saying “We can only re-elect Donald Trump” during a speech on Saturday in Kansas City, Missouri. However, Biden's full sentence was: “We can only re-elect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. It’s gotta be a positive campaign.”

According to The Washington Post report, Twitter applied the label to Scavino's tweet at about 5 PM (local time) on Sunday evening, about 18 hours after Scavino first shared the video. The video had at least 5 million views and more than 21,000 retweets as of Sunday evening.

The video was declared manipulated media under Twitter’s Synthetic and Manipulated Media policy, which states: “You may not deceptively share synthetic or manipulated media that are likely to cause harm. In addition, we may label Tweets containing synthetic and manipulated media to help people understand their authenticity and to provide additional context.”