Twitter is adding a range of updates to the platform in a bid to encourage people to vote early in the US presidential elections 2020.

“We strongly believe that everyone who is eligible should be empowered to vote, and we know that for many people this year, the safest and most reliable way to do so is to vote early,” Twitter said in an official blog post.

“With this clear need for reliable early voting information in mind, Twitter is making our biggest early voting effort to date,” it said.

Twitter users in the US will see a range of updates on the platform through the week and over the weekend ahead of November 3.

Twitter will show a prompt on users’ home timeline to encourage them to vote early and look up options for the same via BallotReady, which is “a nonpartisan voting advocacy organisation,” Twitter said.

“People will also be encouraged to tweet out these resources to help spread the word,” it said.

It will also add various interactive features including a custom emoji and an animated ‘like’ button on tweets that use the hashtags #VoteEarly, #IVoted, #IVotedEarly, #YoVoté .

Apart from this, users will also see a push alert directing them to a Twitter Public Service Announcement with additional early voting resources.

The microblogging platform has taken various steps and has introduced a range of new features to encourage voting and curb the spread of misinformation ahead of the US elections.

ALSO READ:Twitter temporarily changes the way users retweet ahead of US presidential elections

Twitter on Wednesday began rolling out product updates that are meant to curb the spread of misinformation.

One of the changes that Twitter had announced was that it would be encouraging users to “add their own commentary” before they share content by prompting Quote Tweet instead of the Retweet option.

It will also direct users to “credible information” when they attempt to retweet a post containing a ‘misleading information label.’

The platform will also label tweets from candidates claiming premature victory, it had said.

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