Terming Steve Jobs as one of the greatest icons of the modern era, industrialist Mr Ratan Tata today said that Apple products, under Jobs’ leadership, had an impact unequalled by any other company in the IT space.

“Steve Jobs has been one of the greatest icons of the modern era. His untimely death is a huge loss to us all,” the chief of the country’s largest business conglomerate said in a statement.

Visionary entrepreneur and co-founder of US-based global technology giant Apple, Steve Jobs died on Wednesday at the age of 56 after a seven-year battle with pancreatic cancer.

Mourning his death, Mr Ratan Tata said that Jobs’ “creativity, innovativeness and unbelievable attention to detail in every single area, gave the world the early personal computer, the iPod,the iPhone and the iPad which have perhaps brought about the greatest change in the way people wirelessly listen to music, view visual images, exchange data and communicate.”

“He has changed the way of life of many. Apple’s products, under his leadership, have had a profound impact on mankind, unequalled by any other company in the information and technology space.

“The world has lost a great business leader and a great visionary. He will be deeply mourned and greatly missed,” Mr Tata said.