Uninor is in discussions with other companies, including its competitors, for re-appointment of its staff who will be retrenched from the four circles where it is planning to scale down operations.

Some of these employees will also be rehabilitated within the other circles of the group.

The company had earlier decided to scale down operations in four of its 13 circles. Scaling down of operations — in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Odisha — is likely to impact 2,000 jobs (that include 400 direct jobs).

“We have been in touch with all our competitors (other telcos), their human resource departments. All have expressed interest,” Sigve Brekke, Managing Director, Uninor, said.

Company officials said discussions had been held at the senior levels of other telcos for appointment of these employees.

Agency appointed

According to Brekke, Uninor has already appointed an outsourcing agency to look into the matter. A help desk will also be set up within the company to facilitate the process.

Uninor, though, is yet to finalise the number of employees it will be reinstating itself. A decision in this regard is expected soon.

“Mapping in this regard is on. Once through, we will alert the employees concerned through our internal notification schedules,” a company official said.

Separation with Unitech

Asked about the separation of Uninor’s two warring partners; Brekke hinted at an out-of-court settlement. He, however, refused to give details.

Norwegian telecom major Telenor and Indian real estate company Unitech hold 67.25 per cent and 32.75 per cent, respectively, in Uninor.

“There are two ongoing processes. One is legal that is being reported in the papers. The others are discussions in the boardroom. We are trying to find a solution. We are having a constructive dialogue in the boardroom. That’s all I can say,” he said. Categorically questioned, Brekke refused to comment on the matter.

> abhishek.l@thehindu.co.in