India has seen a twofold increase in virtual twin implementations post the pandemic, according to a report by Dassault Systèmes and Nasscom.

Virtual twin adoption in India could play a crucial role in accelerating the design-to-realisation process, helping organisations achieve their sustainability and circularity goals across the value chain, the report stated.

The report noted that nearly 57 per cent of Indian enterprises allocate less than 30 per cent of their technology budgets to digital spending, highlighting a significant lag in digital maturity. Over half of these enterprises report fragmented digitalisation efforts, with key functions digitalised in isolation, which limits their return on investment. Moreover, fewer than 20 per cent of companies have adopted advanced process automation, with the majority relying on retrofitted process automation (RPA) solutions.

It indicated a slow uptake of virtual twins, with 25 per cent of companies lacking formal budgets for such initiatives. A substantial 80 per cent allocate less than 7 per cent of their tech spending to virtual twin adoption.

Despite these constraints, 63 per cent of Indian companies use virtual twins at the product or process level, aiming to enhance precision in product-market fit, a top priority for many. However, implementing these virtual twins remains a lengthy process, with 75 per cent of them taking between 12 to 24 months for deployment.

Supplier selection emerges as a significant challenge, with 75 per cent of enterprises grappling with this issue and half actively evaluating potential suppliers. Indian firms also report low levels of technology readiness; 70 per cent are still in the proof-of-concept or pilot stages for crucial software, IT-OT hardware, and connectivity technologies. Notably, analytics and AI/ML applications are among the least advanced, following high-definition 3D software and other specialised applications.

In response to these challenges, 67 per cent of enterprises prefer best-of-breed software packages or seek partnerships with large managed service providers for their virtual twin applications.

“Virtual twin technology is poised at the brink of transformative potential, marked by a sharp increase in awareness and early adoptions since the pandemic. Although full-scale implementations and dedicated budgets remain limited, the focus on optimising assets and processes opens up expansive opportunities. Overcoming hurdles in software procurement, enhancing top-level commitment and ecosystem synergies can unlock groundbreaking innovations, driving industries toward a more efficient and digitally integrated future,” said Sangeeta Gupta, Senior Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer at Nasscom.

“With our latest report on virtual twin technology impact and adoption in collaboration with Nasscom, we are encouraged by the significant growth in adoption and the emergence of industry-specific use cases. Our report underscores the imperative for organisations to secure top leadership commitment and navigate software procurement challenges to achieve production-grade capabilities. We remain committed to empowering businesses in their journey towards enhanced performance and operational efficiency through virtual twin technology, driving sustainable growth and innovation across industries,” said Deepak NG, Managing Director, India, Dassault Système.