, an AI-based meeting assistant, provides the participants in a virtual meeting with relevant context and summaries. It also helps the users with relevant data points from earlier conversations. It offers transcriptions and intra-language translations. The startup, which doesn’t have a physical office, allows all of its employees to work remotely. Krish Ramineni, Co-Founder and CEO of talks about how the company faces competition and how AI and GenAI are being used to become a client’s ‘meeting assistant’. Excerpts.


Where does stand now? is used by over 30,000 organisations in India and 3 lakh organisations globally. We’ve transcribed conversations for over 16 million people so far. Our platform has evolved from being just an AI note-taker to a full-fledged AI assistant for meetings. We now do more than note-taking—it can analyse conversations, generate reports, and even write blog drafts based on meeting content. We recently launched our AI App Store, enabling more advanced functionalities.


Are you using any generative AI to create those blog posts?

Yes, we leverage generative AI to create blog drafts and summaries. We partner with OpenAI and Anthropic. Our relationship with OpenAI goes back to when Vinod Khosla, our investor, connected me with Sam Altman. We had early access to their models, giving us a significant head start.


 If ten people on a call request a summary, will they all get the same output?

 No, the summaries will vary, based on the user’s prompts and what they want from the meeting. Fireflies tailors the output to each user’s request, so it won’t be identical. Also, the meeting host controls access to the meeting’s data.


 So, prompts should be specific to get unique outputs?

 Yes, and Fireflies also provides citations, ensuring the output remains factual, which helps avoid AI hallucinations. We’ve worked hard to ensure that the content generated is as accurate as possible.


 How many people do you have and have you achieved breakeven?

Our team remains relatively small—about 100 employees globally, with a significant number in India. We’ve managed to maintain profitability, which is rare for AI startups. Our last funding round was three years ago, when we raised about $15 million. In total, we’ve raised about $20 million (₹165 crore) so far. Although many investors are eager for us to raise more, we’ve been able to hold off because of our profitability.


 Any plans for new funding rounds?

 Not in the immediate future, though we may consider it if we want to accelerate R&D or acquire other companies.


The space that you are in is heavily crowded. How are you navigating the competition in this fast-evolving AI space?

 Competition is fierce, but we’ve evolved beyond transcription into a complete meeting assistant, making Fireflies a category leader. Recently, a report ranked Fireflies as one of the top five most-purchased AI products globally, alongside OpenAI, Anthropic, and Midjourney. Our focus on analytics, search capabilities, and team collaboration has helped us stand out.


 How does Fireflies handle different English accents? Are you using any APIs?

We’ve developed our own solutions to handle accents. Fireflies can now detect different variations of English—whether it’s Indian, Australian, or British English. Additionally, we’ve partnered with vendors to support 60 languages, including Hindi, Spanish, and French.


Does Fireflies also provide translations between languages?

 Yes, if a meeting is in Hindi, Fireflies will transcribe it in Hindi. Users can then ask it to translate the content into English or another language.


Are you still following a fully remote work model?

Yes, we’re 100 per cent remote across 20 countries and 40 cities. India represents about 25 per cent of our headcount. Our remote model has worked well, and we plan to scale it, even if we grow to 1,000 employees.