India has an edge over other third-world countries in the services sector since it has given a lot of importance to the sector unlike other countries such as China that have laid emphasis on the manufacturing sector, said Mr Ilan Elad, Executive Director, Vision India, while addressing a Business Line Club event organised at the Saveetha School of Management, Saveetha University, Chennai, and presented by Tata Photon+.

Also, the fact that English, the universal language, is widely understood and spoken by Indians gives the latter an edge vis-?-vis their counterparts in other developing countries.

These factors have led important organisations to set up back-offices in India which have, in turn, led to substantial income generation.

Explaining the nature of good service, he said a particular product is priced differently at different places based on the service / value attached to that service.

Mr Elad said around two-thirds of India's GDP is garnered from the services sector which was one of the reasons it was not hit badly during the recession. He went on to interact with the students about their goals and urged them to pay attention to their specialisations, which was crucial today.

He told the students about the dos and don'ts of preparing for an interview. He also stressed on the importance of doing research on the company, the sector, the interviewer and the importance of first impressions while going in for an interview.

The talk started with a short film 5 minutes University that highlighted the fact that in a span of two years of learning a student is able to grasp important knowledge in diverse subjects such as economics, theology and business in just five minute sessions.

Mr Elad spoke of the importance of networking in business and illustrated the same with examples from his life. He also spoke about Vision India's plans in logistics and in solar energy.