Just when you think that a company is dead and buried, it claws its way back to life and comes up with something that makes you say "wow!"

Yahoo's Axis is one such product. The mobile Web browser is now available only on iOS devices and as a desktop plug-in for Explorer, Chrome, Firefox among others.

The best thing about Axis is the scroll and visual search feature vis-a-vis the traditional search using text headlines, a paragraph and a link.

The mobile browser app allows swipe to move between panes.

Other special features are bookmark and sync that offer a seamless user eperience. The search sessions are synced across devices. So one can read something on the iPhone on the way to work, bookmark it, and then read it again on one's desktop.

It would be interesting to see how Yahoo will monetise it, especially in the backdrop of Facebook’s rumoured purchase of Opera, which could start the browser wars all over again.
