YouTube as an editor!

R. DINAKARAN Updated - July 26, 2012 at 06:33 PM.


We all know YouTube as a video hosting service. What many of us are still not aware of is that it also hosts a decent video editor.

If you have a video that has to be uploaded, but don't have access to a video editor, you can always upload it to YouTube and use the editing tools there.

According to YouTube, “You can combine multiple clips, incorporate Creative Commons footage, enhance your clips with effects, and more.” The ‘more' includes things like attaching titles and credits, cropping etc. You can use the ‘Media Picker' to enhance the video with clips and other tools.

The reason many of us who have used YouTube are not aware of the facility is because it is not visible unless you log in to your YouTube account, click on your name on the top right, and then click Video Manager. Next click Video Editor. You will be taken to the page displaying videos uploaded by you.

Why do we need an online video editor when we have multiple options such as Windows Video Maker or iMovie?

There are times when you upload movies directly to YouTube, from your mobile phone or from one of the pocket-sized video recorders. You may also find you have missed out on something which you would have realised only after uploading the video.

There are other online video editors available, but the advantage with the YouTube video editor is that it is simple, has most functions we need and as YouTube also hosts the videos, there is no need to upload the edited video again.

Published on July 26, 2012 13:03