Anand Rathi Wealth on Thursday reported a consolidated Q2 net profit of ₹43 crore, 41 per cent higher than ₹30.4 crore reported a year-ago same period. Total revenue rose 33 per cent to ₹138 crore (₹103.8 crore).

The board has declared an interim dividend of ₹5 a share.

Rakesh Rawal, Chief Executive Officer, said despite all the external challenges, the company has reported robust performance. "Another area where we witnessed strong momentum was the addition in number of client families. We added almos t 1,250 client families in last one year," he said.

"We continue to remain optimistic about the business growth while assisting our clients achieve high quality experience in the journey of wealth solutions,” he added.

Shares of Anand Rathi Wealth gained 2.86 per cent at ₹680.75 on the BSE.