With the weather showing no signs of improvement in Canada and other masur growing countries, arrival of imported masur will be affected in January.
This will lead to rise in masur prices. On the other hand, rains and cold weather in major growing areas of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh are threatening the domestic masur crop.
Spot masur prices last week ruled at Rs 4,500 a quintal.
Its dal prices were lower by ₹50 last week, while masur (bold) ruled at ₹5,450-5,550.
According to traders, the bullish sentiment in moong will continue till the arrival of the rabi crop in local mandis.
Moong dal, on the other hand, ruled firm with moong dal (medium) at ₹8,400-8,700 (up ₹100 from the previous week), moong dal (bold) at ₹8,800-9,000, while moong mongar was quoted at ₹8,900-9,200 respectively.
Urad and its dal also ruled stable with urad (bold) quoted at ₹4,450-4,500, while urad (medium) ruled at ₹3,800-4,200.
Urad dal also ruled flat on subdued demand with urad dal (medium) in the local mandis quoted at ₹5,250-5,350, while urad dal (bold) ruled at ₹5,400-5,500, and urad dal mongar ruled at ₹5,900-6,100.