Physical rubber prices improved on Thursday. The market gained strength mainly on covering purchases as sellers stayed away expecting a short term recovery in the commodity. There were no fresh enquiries from the tyre sector and the trend was mixed as ISNR 20 and latex ended flat amidst low demand.

Sheet rubber was quoted firm at ₹139 (138) a kg by traders. The grade improved to ₹138.50 (138) and ₹135.50 (135 ) a kg, respectively, according to Rubber Board and dealers.

May contracts closed at ₹138.44 (137.60), June at ₹140.51 (139.52), July at ₹141.50 (140.36) and August at ₹139.50 (139.82) a kg, while the rubber mini May contracts increased to ₹138.50 (137.16) and June to ₹141.50 (139) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

RSS 3 (spot) recovered marginally to ₹125.78 (124.90) at Bangkok. May futures for the grade firmed up to ¥ 199.6 (₹119.19) from ¥ 198.3 on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg) were: RSS-4 139 (138); RSS-5 135 (134); ungraded 129 (128); ISNR 20 126 (126) and Latex 60% 110 (110).