Improved buying perks up chana

Our Correspondent Updated - January 01, 2013 at 09:03 PM.


Improved buying support at lower rate perked up chana (kanta) on Tuesday to Rs 3,875-3,925 a quintal (Rs 3,850-75), while chana (desi) rose to Rs 3,700. In the past one week, chana prices in Indore mandis had almost fallen by Rs 250 with rise in selling pressure and arrival of imported chana in large number.

According to traders, chana prices may see a rise or fall of Rs 100-200 in the coming days before the new crop of domestic chana hits local mandis next month. However, with available indications and prospect of bumper crop output, rally in chana appears unlikely.

Chana dal also rose marginally with rise in spot chana prices. On Tuesday chana dal (average) perked up to Rs 4,550-75 (Rs 4,525-50), chana dal (medium) at Rs 4,675-4,700 (Rs 4,650-75), while chana dal (bold) rose to Rs 4,900-25 (Rs 4,850-75).

On the other hand, slack domestic and export demand continued to drag dollar chana prices in the local mandis. On Tuesday, dollar chana ruled at Rs 4,000-4,500 amid an arrival of 3,000 bags. In container also, dollar chana is down about Rs 800 a quintal compared to its prices last week. On Tuesday, dollar chana (42/44 count) ruled at Rs 5,600; 44/46 count at Rs 5,350, 46/48 count at Rs 5,025, while dollar chana (60/62 count) quoted Rs 3,950 a quintal.

Published on January 1, 2013 15:33