Prices of dara wheat variety moved up by Rs 10-20 and ruled at Rs 1,240-1,250 a quintal against the levels of Rs 1,230 quoted on Tuesday. For the finer quality, it was around Rs 1,260-1,270 a quintal on Thursday.

Prices of dara variety had increased by Rs 50 a quintal this week. Mr Subhash Chander, a wheat trader, told Business Line that low availability of high quality wheat had lifted the prices this week.

Old stocks of dara wheat are exhausted, and millers are completely depending on the stock of the Food Corporation of India. Along with the FCI stocks, the stock meant for the below-poverty-line card holders is also coming in the open market for sale, he added.

Around 80 tonnes of dara variety were procured from the Food Corporation of India by the flour millers on Thursday, and about 5,00 tonnes had been procured so far this week.There is no stock of desi wheat available in the market and traders are reluctant to give new orders, said Mr Subhash. According to market sources, demand of dara variety is sluggish as the new crop is expected to arrive after a month.

Flour Prices

With an uptrend in wheat prices, flour prices rose by Rs 10 and quoted at Rs 1,260 for a 90-kg bag. Chokar prices ruled firm at Rs 540 for a 49-kg bag.