The orthodox leaf at Kolkata auction commanded a higher average price of Rs 238.43 a kg this week at sale no. 32, compared with Rs 233.28 last week and Rs 174.54 at the corresponding sale last year, according to J. Thomas & Company Pvt Ltd, the auctioneers.

The Paramount list attracted the highest average price of Rs 272.20 a kg; followed by J. Thomas, Rs 260.75; Parcon, Rs 250.38; Associated Brokers, Rs 208.54; Contemporary, Rs 202.76; and Assam Tea Brokers, Rs 133.55.

The average price of CTC leaf at the auction was Rs 150.26 a kg, compared with Rs 151.27 last week. The J. Thomas list attracted the highest average price of Rs 161.32; followed by Contemporary, Rs 154.07; Assam Tea Brokers, Rs 153.71; Parcon, Rs 142.90; Associated Brokers, Rs 131.38; Paramount, Rs 129.38; and Sudhir Chatterjee, Rs 113.35.

The total offerings (packages) at this week’s sale at the three North Indian tea auction centres in Kolkata, Guwahati and Siliguri were 4,01,240 as compared to 4,25,091 in the corresponding sale of the last year.

The offerings at Kolkata comprised CTC/Dust 1,58,397 (1,54,522), Orthodox 22,137 (40,578) and Darjeeling 8,762 (8,714). The corresponding figures for Guwahati were 1,25,659 (1,22,664) and for Siliguri, 86,285 (98,613). The offerings at Guwahati and Siliguri comprised mainly CTC/Dust.

Assam CTCs were barely steady and tended easier. Dooars sold at barely steady and irregularly lower rates. Tata Global was active and there was good support from Hindustan Unilever. Western India dealers supported the liquoring sorts. North India and local sections were selective. There was good support from the exporters on the larger brokens and fannings.

Orthodox tippy varieties were well absorbed in line with quality at lower levels compared to last. Clean well-made whole leaf grades were irregular around last, brokens irregularly lower. Fannings were firm to dearer. There was some Continental interest on tippy and liquoring varieties. West Asia and CIS shippers were active.

A line of speciality Duflating whole leaf, auctioned by J. Thomas & Co. Pvt. Ltd, sold at an all-time record price for Assam Tea at Rs 6,999 a kg. This exclusive quality tea was purchased by Agri Import & Export Ltd for a customer in Japan.

Darjeeling whole leaf grades sold at firm rates. Brokens and fannings sold around last levels. Tata Global and Hindustan Unilever were active. Good enquiry from traditional exporters.