Spot rubber slipped further on Tuesday. RSS 4 declined to ₹122 (123) a kg, according to traders. The grade was quoted steady at ₹122 and ₹119 respectively by the Rubber Board and dealers.

The market opened weak as sentiments remained under pressure owing to the widening gap between the domestic and international prices. The trend was mixed and the volume low.

October futures edged up to ₹121.50 (121.19), November to ₹119.81 (119.70), December to ₹119.70 (119.59) and January to ₹120 (119.76) while the February futures dropped to ₹120 (121.25) a kg on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

RSS 3 (spot) closed at ₹95.87 (95.77) a kg at Bangkok. The October futures firmed up to ¥171.1 (₹96.04) from ¥170.6 a kg on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 122 (123); RSS-5: 115 (115); Ungraded: 103 (104); ISNR 20: 104 (104) and Latex 60%: 86.50 (87).