Spot rubber ruled steady on Wednesday. Sharp declines in the domestic futures and the absence of active market participants kept sentiments under pressure during the day. But prices managed to sustain at the prevailing levels on supply concerns. Volumes continued to be dull.

Sheet rubber was quoted unchanged at ₹147.50 a kg by traders. The grade improved to ₹148 (147.50) and ₹145 (144.50) a kg respectively, according to Rubber Board and dealers.

July futures weakened to ₹145.15 (148.36), August to ₹145 (148.22), September to ₹143.99 (147.08) and October to ₹143 (145.91) a kg on the National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE).

RSS 3 (spot) slipped to ₹129.92 (130.14) at Bangkok. The June futures dropped to ¥206.5 (₹122.07) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 147.50 (147.50); RSS-5: 142.50 (142.50); Ungraded: 137.50 (137.50); ISNR 20: 132 (132) and Latex 60%: 122 (122).