Spot rubber ruled weak on Monday. According to observers, the absence of genuine and quantity buyers continued to keep it under pressure during the day. Sheet rubber closed steady at ₹144 a kg, according to traders. The grade was flat at ₹144.50 and ₹141.50 respectively, as quoted by the Rubber Board and dealers. July futures improved to ₹144.60 (₹143.61), August to ₹144.95(₹143.37) on the NMCE. RSS 3 (spot) declined to ₹126.10 (₹127.68) at Bangkok. July futures closed at ¥199.3 (₹118.26) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 144 (144); RSS-5: 138 (139); Ungraded: 134 (135); ISNR 20: 130 (131) and Latex 60%: 120 (121).