Domestic rubber ruled weak on Saturday. In the spot market, sheet rubber dropped to Rs 183 a kg at Kottayam and Kochi from Rs 183.50 and Rs 184 respectively, according to traders and the Rubber Board. The trend was mixed.

In the futures market, the November series slipped to Rs 179.44 (Rs 180.08), December to Rs 180.44 (Rs 181.22), January to Rs 182 (Rs 182.84), February to Rs 183.97 (Rs 185.40) and March to Rs 187.27 (Rs 187.31) a kg on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

Spot rubber rates (Rs a kg): RSS-4, 183 (183.50); RSS-5, 176 (177); Ungraded, 168 (170); ISNR-20, 164 (164); and Latex 60 per cent, 120 (120).