Barley prices gained froth by mid-day on Friday in sympathy with the rise in price of other coarse cereals.

With grain prices rallying on the US facing the worst drought in decades, cereals prices in India, too, are up on hopes of export demand. Wheat, rice and maize (corn) could be in demand for exports.

Though the Union Minister of State for Food, Prof K.V. Thomas, has said the Centre could impose stock limits and clamp down on exports, the market seemed to ignore it.

The counter is also gaining on speculators taking fresh position in far-month contracts. 

A 22 per cent deficient monsoon is also playing on the minds of the market, where the agri commodities are gaining sharply across the table.

By noon, barley for delivery in August climbed to 1,500 a quintal from Rs 1,488 on Thursday evening. September contracts were quoted at Rs 1,530 and October at Rs 1,550.

In the Jaipur spot market, barley was quoted at Rs 1,384.45 a quintal.