Sluggish trend continued in tur and other pulse seeds amid adequate domestic stock and rise in arrival of new crop. With steady rise in arrivals, tur (new) in Indore mandis went for ₹4,300-50 a quintal, tur (red) ₹4,500, while tur (Madhya Pradesh) ruled at ₹3,800-4,000. Given further rise in arrival of new tur, its future appears bearish. Tur dal (sawa no.) traded at ₹5,300-5,400 a quintal, tur dal (full) ₹5,900-6,000, while tur marka ruled at ₹6,200-6,300. Bearish sentiment also prevailed in moong and urad with moong (bold) at ₹5,000-5,100, while moong (medium) ruled at ₹4,400-4,500. Urad (bold) was at ₹3,600-3,700, while urad (medium) ruled at ₹2,500-3,000 a quintal.