Bearish sentiment prevailed in majority of pulse seeds and pulses in Indore mandis on slack physical demand and report of rise in sowing areas in pulse seeds with tur (Maharashtra) price quoted at Rs ₹3,850 a quintal (down₹100 from last week), while tur (Madhya Pradesh) ruled at ₹3,600 a quintal. Weak physical demanddragged tur dal with tur dal (sawa no.) quoted at ₹5,200-5,300 (down ₹100), while tur dal (full) declined to ₹5,500-6,000.

Moong and urad traded lower on slack buying with moong (bold) quoted at ₹4,200-4,500, while moong (medium) quoted at ₹4,000. Weak physical demand dragged moong dal with moong dal (medium) quoted at ₹5,300-5,400. moong dal (bold) at ₹5,500-5,700 and moong mongar ruled at ₹5,900-6,000. Similarly, urad and its dal declined on slack physical demand and buying with urad (bold) quoted at ₹4,200 (down ₹300 from last week), while urad (medium) ruled at ₹3,500. Decline in urad dragged it dal with urad dal (medium) quoted at ₹6,000-6,100 a quintal, urad dal (bold) at ₹6,200-6,300, while urad mogar ruled at ₹6,300-6,400 a quintal respectively.